Sunday, August 5, 2012

Celebrating PaPaw’s Birthday


Yesterday we headed to the farm to celebrate Papaw’s birthday (Hubby’s daddy).  It was a typical day at the farm, plus cake and presents! 


Just because they are cute Smile


Hubby doing what he does best, grillin some yummy burgers.


Little man was so excited Aunt Caitlin took him to see the pig, he couldn’t wait to tell Uncle Ick (Nick) about it. 

After the got back from looking at the pig, it was time to eat, sing (if you call the Dawkins way singing) Happy Birthday, eat cake, and open gifts.  Little man had practiced “happy birthday Papaw” all week, but when it came show time, he refused to say it to Papaw.


Nana went shopping Friday and baby girl got a new swimsuit… I LOVE it!!  Pay special attention to the CUTE pink ruffles.  She was prancing around in it, like she was a little model.


Toes in the water…


While the babies napped and Papaw listened out for them…we “adults” played some fierce water volleyball.  I can say this was the first time for me, it was fun and a pretty good workout.


By the time the babies woke up, the storm was brewing in and the babies only got a short time in the pool.  But they definitely made the most of it.

Sav Swim

Baby girl practiced her “kicking” skills.

Brody Swim

Aunt Caitlin and Uncle Nick helped little man work on his swimming.


They did a good bit of jumping.


She has the girliest jump I have ever seen.


Uncle Nick played basketball with little man.


While the storm threatened us with some thunder, we decided to take a break by sitting on the back porch and enjoyed some family time.  It was so nice just everyone sitting outstide chatting it up!

Brody pop

The babies had a popsicle, who-woulda-thunk-it!?

Sav pop

*FACT*  Did you I have a brother-in-law that can play guitar AND sing?!  Me either!!!  Uncle Tis (Chris) surprised us by coming over with his guitar and sang us a song, or five.  I knew the kid was talented, but I had no idea he could sing…nor did I know exactly HOW talented he was.


It was so awesome sitting there with the family and listening to him singing.


I think PaPaw was impressed too.


PaPaw and Nana


Little man climbed up in Aunt Caitlin’s lap to listen to Uncle Chris.  He was so intrigued but Chris’ voice and the guitar.


I can’t get enough family time.


Oh, speaking of us taking a break and having a snack…what do you think Uncle Nick had…


Birthday cake, like half a sheet of birthday cake…we all laughed and picked on him, only wishing we could eat like that and look like that!


I love this picture, little man thought his uncle Chris was so amazing playing the guitar and singing.


The newest addition to the family- Deer Sausage (that’s the pig’s name)

Part of Nana’s shopping spree was to buy the babies some new jammies. 


Little man’s was Toy Story, handsome.

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Baby girl’s was Disney princesses WITH slippers…so cute!


Before we headed home, Little man had to get some “Uncle Nick time”…every time we are around Uncle Nick little man has to ride Uncle Nick’s back…and he laughs until he cries!   It is so special. This time baby girl had to get in on the action.


She loved it just as much as little man does.


I always love spending time with the family.  It is so special to watch the family playing with the babies and everybody just having a good time enjoying each other’s company.  I hope you had a great birthday Papaw!! 

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