Saturday, September 11, 2010

My new addiction...Thanks Tam! ;)

Today, the James' came over...YAY!!! It has been waaaay too long since I got to hang out/play with Tam. Today she showed me a program she has found for editing photos....AMAZING!! I am not hooked. I have been editing my pics since they left. Haha I had to post a few to share. Thanks Tam for the new program and for taking some pics today. Can't wait to play with you again SOON!!!

As an update on the Dawkins, little man is sick and daddy is sick. I want my boys to feel better soon. We are now living with my parents, in and settled. We hope to have something settled with the house soon. I am just thankful we are finally settled now I can work on my photography and finish sewing projects! :) Since I haven't been on my blog in FOREVER I didn't realize that my layout was messed up, so now that I have blogged I shall now fix my layout!

1 comment:

Tamara James said...

LOVE the new blog design! And SO glad we got to come over, and play with little man and pictures! Yay for becoming addicted to Lightroom haha:)