Thursday, July 24, 2008

AAHH Rest, Rest, Rest and Work Tomorrow!

Cheer camp is FINALLY over, my goodness let me tell you I am so pooped! We had a great time though only a few minor a little more serious than the rest. Hopefully though the girls will rest over the next week and come practice next week be ready to show me what they learned this week. Speaking of, they learned a LOT! 2 cheers, 6 chants, 2 dances, and 4 DIFFERENT stunts....yea they are def saying "Coach we cant remember all this!" but I know they can. Other than cheer camp ending, nothing really exciting in my life...sorry this is a boring read. :-(

HOWEVER, I will have to say missing girl's night this week (and Erin in JAX) I am FOR SURE feeling some NEEDed girl's time. Girl's what's the plans will I ever see yall again!?!?!?


The Merry Macs said...

i was wondering if you knew of any job openings where you work?!ian is trying to apply for as many jobs as he can in order to cover all of the bases.
i cant wait to be back for girls nights!

KT said...

Awe! I am glad camp went well! I want to hear all about it, call me when you feel rested!
Girls nights MUST be back this week I miss you all TOO MUCH!

alohanole913 said...

I agree! This wednesday, for sure! Erin can drive over just for a couple hours, right;) Although I don't know anything about cheerleading, or cheer camp, it sounded like you had fun!

PS- we need a new belly pic of Mrs. G!